Soluna Sanctuary

Before Gino’s Pizza, owners Gina & Derrick Suarez started caring for a variety of farm animals in South Phoenix. Soluna Sanctuary was developed over a 12 year period and established as a 501C-3 animal rescue. Currently it is home to more than 25 different species and has rescued more than 100 animals in total, including birds, ducks, sheep, goats, donkeys, cows, and even water buffalo!

peacock with tail open to show full display of feathers.

“The support we receive from the community helps us care for our rescue animals.”

Cash Contributions

Dollar donations are directed to the upkeep of the sanctuary, food, and medical care for our animals.

Food Donations

A variety of animal means a variety of food needs. Our pigs love everything from fruit surplus to organic scraps, the cows graze on hay and our birds eat a variety of seed mixes. Contact us to learn about our current needs.

Visit Us

We welcome visitors to our sanctuary by appointment. Contact us to arrange a tour.

Have A Rescue?

We specialize in farm animals, but as you can see, we do all we can to help animals in distress. Contact us to see how we can help.

Zoom With A Pig

During the pandemic, our animals took to Internet to help break Zoom meeting fatigue. Contact us to have them join your next meeting or class.